Articles on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Communities & Resources
Join or donate to the Black Microbiologists Association and check out the #BlackInMicro community on Twitter! Also read The hashtags that brought Black scientists together and check out the related Twitter communities in other STEM fields.
Related: #BlackInPhysics 2021 essay series in Physics Today
Ariangela J. Kozik (Nature Microbiology 2022) Building a community for Black microbiologists.
ADVANCEGeo Partnership Community Resources: A geoscience initiative with great resources on creating inclusive spaces, anti-racism initiatives, recognizing bias, reporting, and more.
Amy J. Ko (Medium). I led an anti-racist CS education reading group this summer.
Kenneth Gibbs (American Society for Cell Biology). Promoting diversity and advancing racial equity in the biomedical sciences.
Esther A. Odekunle (Science). Dismantling systemic racism in science.
Bala Chaudhary & Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (EcoEvoRxiv). Ten simple rules for building an anti-racist lab.
Stephanie M. Davis et al. (eLife). Research culture: actionable recommendations from trainees to improve science training.
Kelly R. Stevens et al. (Cell). Fund Black scientists.
Robin Aguilar (Medium). Navigating STEM Graduate School Interviews as a Marginalized Trainee.
Sarah W. Davies et al. (PLOS Biology). Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science.
Beronda L. Montgomery (Nature Microbiology). Make equity essential to expedite change in academia.
Interview with Dr. Alycia Mosley Austin, Interim Associate Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Rhode Island:
Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Colette Patt, and Mark Richards (Nature). Go beyond bias training.
Sarvenaz Sarabipour et al. (Nature Human Behavior). Changing scientific meetings for the better.
J. Nicky Sullivan, Jennifer L. Eberhardt, and Steven O. Roberts (PNAS). Conversations about race in Black and White US families: Before and after George Floyd’s death.
Julie K. Silver et al. (Cell 2022). Organizations in science and medicine must hold each other accountable for discriminatory practices.
Juno Obedin-Maliver et al. (Cell 2022). Pride in STEM worldwide.
Elsie C. Spencer et al. (Trends in Microbiology 2022). Intentional and unintentional benefits of minority writing accountability groups.
Atom J. Lesiak (Nature 2023). I'm a trans scientist -- here's my advice for navigating academia.